Today we will publish one new that Jeggi send to us! Jeggi,thanks for the translation!
We will publish the new in Italian,in english and in the end we will publish the site!
The Italian New:
"L'ex-vicepresidente americano, Al Gore, vorrebbe organizzare cinque mega-concerti in simultanea per sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica e "salvare il pianeta dal cambiamento climatico''. Secondo il tabloid domenicale 'Sunday Express' ai concerti, previsti per il prossimo 7 luglio a Londra, Washington, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town e Kyoto, parteciperanno i più grandi nomi del pop e del rock: gli U2, gli Oasis, i Radiohead, Robbie Williams, Kylie Minogue, KEANE e Coldplay."
The Translation:
"The ex American vice-president, Al Gore, would wanted to organize five big simultaneous concerts to awaken the public opinion and “to save the planet from the climatic changement”. According to the tabloid “Sunday Express” the biggest names of the pop and rock music will take part to the concerts, programmed for the next 7th July in London, Washington, Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town and Kyoto: U2, Oasis, Radiohead, Robbie Williams, Kylie Minogue, KEANE and Coldplay."
According with the poll we've done until 1st of January of this year, Somewhere Only We Know, will be the official Music of This Blog! (We will put the video in the other day)
If you have any important new please send us an email for: keanefas@hotmail.com and tell us the new or any Keane's story you know or any photo you have with them and we promise we will publish here!
At the other day we tell you the fans of the month but we have to change one thing!
At the month of March would be Ana and will be Marina and in May will be Ana! Sorry for our mistake!
Thanks for all the comments! We apreciate very much!
Hello there,
the news has been confirmed on Keane official web site, so now it's sure...And I feel more peaceful because I didn't tell you a lie or a non-sure news!!!
Keane are the best, and this concert demonstrates it 'cause they're generous and worried about our planet...Simply the best!
Kisses from Jessica (or Jeggi)
Hey girls...
Ah foto linda, amei...
To sabendo desse concerto, quem dera q vem pro Rio d Janeiro? Bem, creio q eles nao, pois eles vem pro Brasil em abril (nem me lembre, nao vou =/)
Eles sempre envolvidos em causas sociais, mto lindos neh??
that is great news. they worry about the planet
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