The trip for Oporto take more than 3 hours. I saw many beautiful things.. I saw one terrible acident with some cars.. I made my first and unique stop in 'Mealhada' who is famous 'cause they have a excellent sucking pig.I don't like but continue..
When I finally was in Oporto me and my family had to met my godfather 'cause he worked there in that day. We visited 'Dolce Vita' and I really loved that shopping..
When we decided to go to Queimódromo for the line to enter.. Oh My God! There was more than 30 people in my front and more than 70 on my back. I hope I'm not saying any lie.
The 'Queimódromo' was to open at 5pm.. but.. NOTHING! Was to open at 6pm.. NOTHING! Was to open at 7pm.. NOTHING! Then finally open at 8pm.. After I was on the line many hours.. With some stupid girls saying stupid things with stupid pronunciation..GOD! They're terrible! They didn't know very well the lyrics.. They talked laudly on the line.. Everyone look at them.. Thanks God I wasn't with them.. When they started put the people on the 'Queimódromo' was very fast. 10 Minutes after they start I was in.. Giving My tickets to the man to enter there.. There was very hot.. I think 34ºC when the maximum for yesterday was 31ºC. I Waited for my cousin and my little brother and we ran very fast to try to find one place on the front.. TOO LATE! Well.. For them.. I started crying 'cause a stupid man didn't care about the most little.. He was so unfair! STUPID MAN! I found a friend of mine,Beatriz or Bi.. And she was on the right near the 'passerelle' of Keane... I stay there and Ana came with me for that place.. We were so Happy! The first time started at 09.30 pm I think.. It wasn't so good as I thought. Was EZ Special.. To say the true.. Nothing special.. They're nothing alive.. I prefered to see 'Fingertips' or other thing better. But it wasn't so bad at all.. Bad was.. But not the worst! At 10.15 pm or 10.30 pm I started listen something I knew.. When I discovered (just 2 seconds) Tim was on the 'placar' and playing the famous start Keane Gig 'THE IRON SEA'. After it was 'Everybody's Changing','Put It Behind You','Bend And Break' and 'Try Again'.. Yes! It was perfect! Everyone singing this song that means very much to me! I almost cry but I was to happy for it!. They went to the passerelle Richard was with his back from me! He said goodbye and saw the view with his hand.. And I said 'I Love You,Richard!' more than 3 times but he didn't discoevered it was me! Then me and Bi,started singing like: 'Tim can you handle this.. Richard can you handle this.. Tom can you handle this.. We don't think you can handle this!' They started very embarassed but they continue and started singing 'Your Eyes Open', 'The Frog Prince','Hamburg Song' and 'Fly To Me'. In 'Fly To Me' Richard ran into his drumms and Tom and Tim have been there singing that song. Amazing! Then all were on the principal stage we started listening: 'Leaving So Soon?' In this song I started don't have voice,'This Is The Last Time','A Bad Dream' that song was the special surprise! Tom said we'll listen the english version and on the 'placar' we could read the translation of the poem. The poem is really beautiful! Amazing! Fantastic! Everyone with their voices sang,sang and sang. After this we listened:'Somewhere Only We Know','Is It Any Wonder?' I started thinking about Marina,Jessica,my cousin Sheila and all the people who like keane and tought about me.. Then.. Almost in the end of my BEST GIG EVER! 'Broken Toy','Atlantic' with the fans voices was one of the most beautiful things I ever listen; 'Crystal Ball' and finally this amazing song 'Bedshaped'.. All the people colaborating with 'Uoooooh!' Simply perfect! Then I had to go.. 'Cause I had to be in Lisboa very soon. I'm woke up starting at 4am I think.. I only slept a few minutes on the trip returning to Lisboa. I'm not asleep. I'm excellent! It seems I just woke up a few minutes ago!
This was amazing!
Now some photos! They're so good..
Mainly of Tom.. He was so energetic and he didn't stop anytime of the gig! Running.. Shaking.. Jumping.. Dancing.. Singing.. Smiling.. GOD! He smiled very much! All the time! I think he wasn't expect that.
Richard had a very beautiful smile the most beautiful thing was his smile 'cause when he smiled he showed his teeth and prove how much happy he was. He like what he do! He smiled very much to Tim and Tom.
Tim.. Tim was happy but it seems to be he was tired. It's normal. The genious needs relax.. He smiled he was happy but he was tired. I saw it on the end! Mainly Tom and Tim. Richard too but not as Tom and Tim. ->My Best Photos Of The Show
Review By Paty
1 comment:
I Read Your Story And What I Can Say Is:
I'm Glad You Were Happy With Keane's Gig By My Heart.
If You Were Fine, Were Happy, It's a Big Satisfaction To Me, Because I Love You My Friend, And I Want See You Smile About Everything In Your Life, Not Just About Keane.
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