9.23pm - Text from Tim
Done and dusted! It's a fantastic feeling to play on that stage. I really hope today helps to turn people's attention towards the climate situation. It's got to be much more than just a great day out. Here's hoping. Anyway, more frivolously... backstage was chaos. Tom got accosted by an effusive Mike D, while I devised an onstage gymnastics routine with Nicole Scherzinger, caught up with Kele from Bloc Party and chewed the fat with Tom Meighan in the gents. My wife made me vacate my seat in catering, "Because Doctor Who needs somewhere to sit". Life is strange. A great day. Hopefully the start of something big.
Thanks Tim. This really is the last post, thanks yet again for all your emails (we've had loads!). We'll leave you with a picture of "Keane's three youngest fans in California" during the band's Live Earth performance. Hello to Ian (5), Theadora (8), and Charlotte, who is three today! Happy birthday Charlotte!!
And on that note, good night. Make sure you don't leave your TVs on standby tonight. Right? Right.
7.32pm - Text from Beth
And we're done. How good was that? Everyone's really pleased with how it went. Our last job of the day is a quick interview on camera for the official DVD of Live Earth. We're all off home (after getting up at 6am this morning, we're all pretty tired). See you soon, Bethx
Thanks Beth. And with that, we're going to sign off too. Thanks very much for all your emails, we've enjoyed reading every one of them. Enjoy the rest of the show, we're off to sit in the garden for a bit...
7.03pm - Interviewed on the BBC after the show
Tom spoke very passionately about how seriously Keane take climate change and what they're trying to do to combat it. And Richard revealed that he's giving his drum sticks from today to a friend who's giving them to someone as a wedding present!
"Wahou!!!! That was really amazing... wonderful... just great!! They played beautifully!!!" says Sandra by email, one of many who've emailed us to say how much they enjoyed it.
7.00pm - How it looked from where Beth was watching
They've finished and they were very good indeed. Here's a pic Beth texted during the last song...
6.56pm - Last song already!
So they belted through a storming 'Is It Any Wonder?' and now they're finishing with a typically anthemic 'Bedshaped'. All seems to be going down very well with the crowd which, as these pics show, is enormous. Tom's got them doing some amazing singing along too - now that they've turned the mics up on the crowd!
6.51pm - They're on!
And they've just finished playing 'Somewhere Only We Know'. This is how it looks on our telly...
6.32pm - Text from Beth
And now... we are starting to walk from the dressing room. We'll be waiting side of stage for the next 20 minutes or so. See you on the other side!
Thanks Beth. Now it's getting *really* exciting.
6.12pm - Text from Beth
Hello from Live Earth. Not long to go now. Strangely calm in the Keane camp. Tom's just walked in the dressing room from warming up in Madonna's wardrobe area. Tim is reclining on the sofa and Richard is nowhere to be seen. Oh here he is. Lots of good things going on here. Richard was very pleased to meet Chris Rock earlier whilst the boys had an official photograph taken. I'm leaving them now so they can get ready to play to 80,000 people, plus the rest of the world watching on TV!
Thanks Beth. And hello to Keane fans who've been emailing in from Latvia, Switzerland, America and lots of other places.
5.37pm - More swearing!
The BBC just cut Chris Rock off mid-speech, as he turned the air extremely blue while introducing the Red Hot Chili Peppers. There must be something in the backstage water.
By the way, if you're not sure exactly what climate change is, then you might find this article interesting.
5.18pm - Out in the crowd
Beth very kindly just texted another pic...
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