We sorry for yesterday,we didn't actualize the fan of the month but we we'll do it after this post.
Jeggi,give us this wonderful new.. Keane will take part of the Festival of Werchter 2007 in Belgium on the next 30th of June. If you want to have more information about the festival you can also contact the official website ( http://www.rockwerchter.be/ )
P.S.- It has also an english version.
Well.. Today we have to resume the week so...
We'll give some wonderful news,specially for the latin american fans..
Rio and Saö Paulo ticket sales live now Keanemusic.com is now selling tickets for the band's upcoming shows in Rio de Janeiro and Saö Paulo.
Click ( http://keanetickets.sandbag.uk.com/Store/DisplayItems.html )
go directly to the shop. ´
The general sale is also now live. Go to http://www.ticketmaster.com.br/ for that. The presale for the Mexican dates is now closed, but you can buy general sale tickets from http://www.ticketmaster.com.mx/.
Tickets for the festival dates in Argentina and Chile are now available from the following sites. Buenos Aires: http://www.keanemusic.com/www.ticketek.com.ar
Santiago: http://www.ticketmaster.cl/
Now the photos! The best part!

Hello there!
Well...Great news and, especailly, great pics! I love them! I want to be in one of their concerts, I'm envying the people who go there because the music is great, the band is great and the set is wonderful! And, forgive my greed, those sweets seem really appetizing...XD! Well, I said all.
Keane simply the best...
kisses from Jeggi
I wish I was there...
people say that their Wembley's show was great!
and the photos are so amazing.. x)
Great Photos!!!!I Really Loved Principally the 43th."Tim Your Ass Is So Delicious" Keane Kill Me!!!!
Ai Ai Ai!!!!The Fan Of The Month I'm Loving,It's Me
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