This posts is the post nº 50!
That's really good and great for us! Because we create this blog at October and at this moment we have three colaboraters...
The new colaborater is:
*Jeggi or Jeggi91(Jessica Matteacci)
She is from Italia and she agree help us in the blog! Thanks,Jeggi! And to prove that Jeggi have send us some (spectacular and beautiful) photos and we(including her) want to share with you...

love it
keane rulez!
Your Blog Is Perfect, My Favorite.
I Really Loved The Photos!!!!!
They're The Sexiest!!!!!! Irresistible!!!!!!! I'm Addicted To Them.
Hi there,
I'm very happy to give you a hand, it's a honour and a pleasure to help you with this great blog!!! The most unhappy thing is that I didn't take them personally!!!
Keane 4ever simply the best,
Gostei muito do Blog!!
Entao estas magnificas fotos!! nem digo nada!
estao 5 6 7 8 * * * * * =D
continua *=P
ana =)*
This Italian's Site is very pretty, congratulations to the new colabulater...
Thanks to Paty to visit me
(Seu blog tbm eh lindo ehehehe e jah adicionei esse)
I love the pics
Kisses girls
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