What Tom says:
Sometimes there might have been up to a hundred vocal takes that we did, but actually y'know, the final few we'd have picked one where we've gone "That whole vocal is pretty much bang on, its pretty much perfect". Its nice to have that because you get a sort of sense of continuity through the song... y'know, if you listen to a very poppy band, you know that the lyrics were composite takes that had come from 20 or 30 efforts at it and they may not have that sense of soul and continuity to them. But we really wanted to make sure that we got that with this album and so it did sort of end up that I suddenly hit a sort of "rich seam" of vocals and that was towards the end of the recording process. SO, most of them have got a feeling of "one take wonder" - I was pretty pleased with the way I was singing the songs by the end.