Saturday, May 26, 2007
Broadcast times for awards show featuring Keane
As you'll have read in the blogs, Keane recently performed at the VH1 Rock Honors show in Las Vegas. The band played a cover of 'That's All' by Genesis.
The show will be broadcast on VH1 in the US at the following times (PST and EST).
Friday, 5/25 @ 1:00pm and 10:00pm
Saturday, 5/26 @ 1:00am, 1:00pm, and 8:00pm
Sunday, 5/27 @ Noon, 6:00pm, and 10:00pm
Monday, 5/28 @ 11:00am
Tuesday, 5/29 @ 9:00pm
Wednesday, 5/30 @ 2:00am and 2:00pm
Thursday, 5/31 @ 1:00am
Friday, 6/1 @ 4:00pm
So plenty of chances to see it then! Well, unless you don't live in the US, in which case might want to check out YouTube, by clicking here.
Fans' shots from the Montreal show
Hello again. Thanks to the folks who sent in their pictures from this week's Montreal show at the Olympia Theater to ontour@keanemusic.com. Please send in your ONE best pic if you went to the Portland show or are going to any of the rest of the gigs. Now, onto the Montreal pics...
Picture by Fiona
Picture by Emmanuelle
Picture by Michelle
Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rob wrote from Montreal,Canada. And starts the first Canada Blog!
Bonjour du pays que j'aime appeler Canadia.
I think that's probably enough of my schoolboy French. But when in Quebec ...
I like it here, as, it seems, do Soline and Chad, my lighting crew. They seemed noticably perkier than normal when hot girls arrived to help put the rig up this morning. Anyway, so I wanted to send something from this fine country of ice hockey, Feist and Molson Red (although you guys do need to do some work on your airline). So, as usual, I took some pictures in soundcheck in the very red and very pretty Olympia theatre. I probably need to get out more.
End of the waffle, voici les photos.
Tom warms up the piano
Les mains des Tom
Tim's big red pods. From where the distorted piano sounds emerge
Richard looking rockstar-esque
Tim tinkles the ivories
Tom looking, rather like the guy in Kirsty MacColl's chip shop, a little like Elvis - which is no bad thing. (Slight poetic license here but I'm sure you get my drift)
Soundman Iain's business finger. This is all he needs to go one louder
Tim watching out for low flying stuff
Tom's two Gibson guitars
See how French it is here? Sortie is foreign for NotAusgang. Or Salida.
Et pour finir les pieds des Tim
I'm off to watch the finale of Heroes. I've got my fingers in my ears and I'm humming if anyone tries to tell me what happens.
More pictures soon, Rob
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
(texts by keanemusic.com)
Photos from LA
Fans' photos from the LA show
Thanks to all of you folks in the US of A who emailed your one best pic from the LA show to ontour@keanemusic.com - we'd be very grateful if those of you going to the other dates would follow suit. Here's a selection of some of our favourites from the Gibson Amphitheatre gig...
Picture by Emily
Picture by Jenn
Picture by Lisa
Picture by Marcia
Picture by Mari, showing the audience holding aloft their mobile phones during 'Hamburg Song'. Very arty, no?
Picture by Michelle
Picture by Yessi
More pictures - and blogs - to follow jolly soon...
Tim writes blog, you write comments!
Words by Mr Tim Rice-Oxley, pictures by Mr Rob Sinclair.
UPDATE: You can now add comments to this and any other story if you're registered with this website!
Yesterday was the VH1 Rock Honors ceremony in Las Vegas. Quite an occasion. Host Bam Margera set the tone by kicking things off with the inevitable, "Those who are about to rock, we salute you," which was met with much devil's horning of fingers and general rawk-ness. It was a major honour to be on the same stage as Ozzy, ZZ Top (it was a day of many Zs), Genesis, Heart, QOTSA and so on. We were the only band of our generation chosen to perform - presumably because of our impeccable heavy rock credentials - and we endeavoured to hold our own amongst badass rock's finest.
Big TV shows like that are always pretty nerve-wracking for everyone, but we had a lot of fun bashing through our cover of Genesis' 1983 ridiculously catchy classic 'That's All', Tom strutting up and down the ego ramp with his suitably black guitar and looking thoroughly Brando-esque in his leathers. Several women (and a couple of meaty men) swooned and had to be carried out.
We hung out a bit with the guys from Genesis - always good to get the inside knowledge from people who've been doing this for thirty-odd years - plus, Phil Collins soundtracked my first torrid love affair (aged 11) so I had a nostalgic curiosity to meet the great man. All in all, it was a very pleasant evening - we did what we came to do, drank mojitos and contributed generously to the Mandalay Bay Hotel's casino takings.
But perhaps the highlight of the day came just before we went on stage. We were sitting around chatting and grabbing a bite in the dressing room when we became aware that two almost-naked women had shimmied into our midst. What little these bronzed supermodel types were wearing consisted of garters, leather tassles, fishnets and other trimmings unlikely to have come from the Littlewoods catalogue.
Richard was the first to retrieve his jaw from the floor and question the intruders - it turned out they were two of ZZ Top's pole dancers, who would shortly be lowered from the arena's ceiling in cages, writhing and generally looking wonderful, while the copiously bearded brothers traded what felt like very long guitar solos. Anyway, turned out the girls were insanely huge Keane fans who wanted to say hi, so we chatted and did photos and so on. It was odd that during those few minutes most of our crew suddenly remembered that they had burning questions for the band that required them to come into the dressing room.
Geoff (hi-tech wizard) in particular seemed suddenly to have become a huge fan of ZZ Top and was consequently very eager to converse with our visitors. Adam Wakeman (Rick's son, Ozzy's keyboard player, and a friend since we met him playing keys for Travis back in 2004) was hanging out at the time and was clearly impressed. "Blimey," he commented, "I like your rider. We're lucky if we get a piece of sliced mango in our dressing room."
So it was a fun night all round. We felt very privileged to be welcomed into the bosom of American rock, and left Vegas with synapses appropriately frazzled by the glittering lights, and pockets suitably emptied by the surly croupiers.
Tonight is a night off, so it's a nice opportunity for a big dinner with the whole touring party, out on the balcony overlooking the gorgeous Colorado River as it passes through the red rocks of Utah. Then the high-brow film buffs among us will retire to the tourbus for a viewing of the greatest film ever made. "Broadsword calling Danny Boy. Father McCree is waiting." Anyone recognise those immortal lines...?
Tech hero Rob's first blog of the tour - add your comments below it...
Hello everyone. Here's a bumper crop of pictures from the weekend's VH1 Rock Honors show in fabulous Las Vegas. I'm sure you all know that 'what goes in Vegas, stays in Vegas', but I'll let you know that some things that you'll not see any pictures of include: Tom playing Blackjack with Josh Homme from Queens of the Stone Age; Richard, handsome soundman Ant and I shooting craps with Ozzy's band (we all lost - send us any spare cash) and stage management hero Mickey fending off the amorous advances of a local lady who seemed to think that, "I've got a wife and a daughter, please leave me alone" is some sort of a chat up line.
Tom in soundcheck
Richard and his new Nikon F6
Tim concentrating
Richard, immediately before being told not to take pictures of Police motorcycles by one of Las Vegas' finest. A small argument followed although luckily neither of us were hauled off to the brig.
Those 'cycles in full
Tom backstage, pre-show
"Tommy Cash" running through the words one last time
Tom backstage
Richard looking a little nervous
Tim warms up pre show
Tom and Richard on the stage as it revolved round to face the audience
Drummer's view of that Vegas crowd
Tom listening to Robin Williams' introduction (that's him on the bridge to the right of the picture)
Geoff, Tim's mouse, Tim. I got chased off the stage right after this and the band went on to storm through their cover of 'That's All'. Which is stupidly catchy, we're thinking of instigating fines for anyone caught humming it.
More when I can,
Photos from Denver
Fans' photos from the Denver show
Hello again. We're back with the best of the pictures that you folks kindly emailed to ontour@keanemusic.com from Monday night's show at The Ogden in Denver. If you're off to any of the other shows on this tour, please send us your ONE best pic to that address. (You may notice that we've used two of Karen's pictures this time; that's because a) not many people sent pics and b) Karen's pictures were ace).
Picture by Demetria
Picture by Lucia
Picture by Karen
Picture also by Karen
By the way, we're very pleased to see how much you're all liking the new commenting facility on the site - we hoped you would. Feel free to leave your thoughts on the pictures too...
Keane have choose who will suport the Dublin Act
Findlay Brown to open at Dublin show in July
We're pleased to confirm that the support act for Keane's gig at The Point in Dublin on July 19th will be Findlay Brown, who'll be appearing with a full band. Click here to check out Findlay's MySpace and hear some of his lovely, folky songs.
Richard sends a blog from Chicago...
Hello from sunny Chicago (or "Hog-Butcher to the World" according to Wikipedia). I fell asleep on the bus last night to the dulcit tones of Bill Hicks, and slept like a blog. We got here around 9am and Scott and I headed straight off to one of the best vintage drum stores on the planet (Steve Maxwell's). Chicago is the home of Ludwig drums, as played by Ringo Starr (though the factory is now condos).
Anyway, we had a look at some great old kits (it's half museum, half shop) and I went for a wander down the Magnificent Mile as Scott had to get back to the theatre to get to work setting up for tonight's gig. I ended up in a Borders store which seemed very familiar, in fact I think we might have done an in-store there a while back. We've been here so many times it feels like a home from home. We all went to see the Cubs play on a previous visit, and Scott and I went up the Sears Tower, so it's somewhere we have been tourists as well as playing shows.
It's great getting to travel so far and wide - we've seen more of America than most Americans will see, not to mention Europe, Asia, South America, Australia... it's days like this, when you see a train go past on one of the elevated railways, or drive up Lakeshore and see Lake Michigan, that you realise how cool it is being in a touring band, and how far from home you really are.
The last couple of shows have been great - proper sweaty rock shows - my favourite kind of show, and tonight's should be just as much fun.
I'll try to post some photos soon - I have 38 rolls of film to get developed, so if anyone can recommend a good place to take them in Detroit I'd be very grateful.
USA BLOG #5Keane's tech dude Rob writes (and sends pics) from Chicago...
Hello from the Windy City
We're still having fun, the shows have been great and yesterday, at The Myth in St Paul, we discovered the world's cleanest club. Not having your feet stick to the floor all day makes a big difference, let me tell you.
(Non geeks skip this paragraph) To mix things up a bit I decided to only use my new lensbaby 2.0 today. This is a, frankly, bendy lens that gives everything an oddly focussed, analogue feel. Or something.
Anyway, here are some pictures from soundcheck at the Riviera Theatre...
Slightly blurry Tim
Richard in shades
This is Richard's new Lugwig Black Beauty snare drum. From the '30s I hear. I'm a drum luddite but this boy looks and sounds fabulous.
Not sure what's so funny
Richard in soundcheck
Tom eyes right
Tom soundcheck
Everyone's laughing today. Not sure why.
Marquee sign. They need an M.
More soon, Rob
Fans' pictures from the Myth show
Thanks to everyone who emailed their ONE best picture from Wednesday's Minneapolis gig to ontour@keanemusic.com. We were going to put pics from the Chicago and Detroit gigs in this post too, but we've not had many of those yet - so if you have a good one from either of those shows, please send it in!
Now, onto those Minneapolis shots...
Picture by Aaron Teskey
Picture by Derek Jevens
Picture by Erica Anderson
Picture by Krissandra
Picture by Melanie Schwartz
Picture by Sam
Top work, folks.
Fans' shots from Chicago, Detroit and Toronto
Hello again. Thanks to everyone who sent in their pictures from the gigs in Chicago, Detroit and Toronto - we had loads to choose from (as always, priority was given to those who sent in just one pic as requested). If you're off to any of the remaining gigs, please do email your favourite pic to ontour@keanemusic.com. Thanks.
17.05.07 - Chicago, The Riviera
Picture by Andres
Picture by Caroline Wen
Picture by Denise Halcomb
Picture by Jody
Picture by Joyful
19.05.07 - Detroit, State Theater
Picture by Alexis Alt
Picture by Allison Frantz
Picture by Jamie H
Picture by Katie Borkowski
Picture by Michele Swihart
Picture by Zack Herman
20.05.07 - Toronto, Kool Haus
Picture by Feri Forough
Picture by Leah Salt
Picture by Linda L
Picture by Lisa Anuen (this pic is schpoooky)
Picture by Michelle M (this one is too!)
Picture by Richard Moor (this one less so)
More of your pics in the next few days...