Sunday, December 31, 2006
Juliana Torres, in one friend of Paty and she have an online petition with other keane fans to have Keane in Latinamerica.
The Link is:
Well, sign this petition. No for us, but for the fans that never saw Keane in their countries...
More specifically the fans of Latinamerica.
We hope that you follow our suggestions.
Happy New Year for everyone!
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

We have one excellent new.
Keane was be at the 5º at the World Music Awards.
3ºRed Hot Chili Peppers
4ºGreen Day
That is very good for Keane! Gradulations!
Saturday, December 23, 2006

We have the plasure to anunciate that Keane had been the nº11 on the Top 50 of 2006 with the music:"Is It Any Wonder?"
Gradulations for KEANE!
We think it is very good for them!
This news are specially for the portuguese fans:
- 29 Dez - 10h top 10 2004
- 30 Dez - 10h top10 2005 / 15h30 Best Of 2006 weekend
- 31 Dez - 10h top10 2006
- 1 Jan - 10h top10 singer songwritter
- 24 dez - 13h30 Best of singles" / 20h MTV LIVE KEANE
- 24 dez - 18H mtv live (melhores actuaçãoes 2006)
- 27/28/29 deZ - 18h00 Re-action: Best of 2006
- 31 dez - 10h30 best singles / 23h30 best Albuns
Merry Christmas!
Friday, December 22, 2006

We have two wonderful news to tell you...
Two new videos on the Video Jukebox...
As a special Christmas treat, they have just added two new videos to the Video Jukebox in the Music section.
The first is the video for Keane's upcoming single, 'A Bad Dream' (out Jan 22nd). But perhaps even more excitingly, the second is the video of Keane's performing their Christina/Destiny's Child cover, 'Dirrtylicious', at the recent iTunes session.
This recording will not be available elsewhere. That's it for for 2006 - we're taking a break until the new year.
On behalf of Tom, Tim and Richard,they like to wish you a merry Christmas and thank you for all your support this year.
A Bad Dream (out Jan 22nd)
Dirrtylicious (iTunes session)
We loved the news! We hope you like!
The dirrtylicious new version is very great! And the video how we anunciated before is wonderful!
Thursday, December 21, 2006

"Richard - what's your favorite song on 'UTIS'?"Rachel Miller
Richard replies: I love playing 'Leaving So Soon?' and I love hearing the first half of 'Hamburg Song' - you have no idea how many times I've nearly forgotten to start playing because I'm so lost in listening to Tim and Tom...
"What's your favorite scary movie?"Taylor
Richard replies: Anything Hitchcock!
"The end of the year will be here before we know it. Any ideas on New Year's resolutions?"April
Richard replies: I resolve to tour South America!
"Greetings, Keane! This is a question for Mr. Hughes. Do you find it a challenge being a vegetarian while on the road?"Roby
Richard replies: Yes, a little, but there are other veggies on the road, so we all keep an eye out for good places to eat. Kyle (our merch guy) is very talented at finding really good veggie food in faraway places. If in doubt go to an Italian restaurant - they always do good veggie choices.
"What's in your pocket right now?"Mim
Richard replies: Absolutely nothing. Sorry, it's the truth.
"With the awards shows you have been able to attend and the various celebrities you have been able to meet, do you think you can now link yourself to Kevin Bacon in 6 moves or less?"April
Richard replies: Easy! At the U2 party after last year's Grammy awards I found myself standing next to Tom Hanks... they were both in 'Apollo 13'. That's one move, right? Do I get a prize?
"In the song 'The Iron Sea', you can hear a voice talking at the end, who is that person talking and what is he saying? Thanks!"Mariana T
Richard replies: Ask Tim...
"Hello! If you could spend one week doing anything in the world, what would it be?" Mimi
Richard replies: I'd like to sit on a beach somewhere in South-East Asia - we had a great time in Thailand and it was a shame not to be able to see the countryside (except from the plane) so I think I'd head back there and relax awhile. I'll take a few books.
"When it comes to produce a new video, how do you work? Does the record company comes up with ideas, do you have something in mind since you work on the song or does it all come naturally?"Anna
Richard replies: We generally have some ideas about who we'd like to direct a video from seeing other things people have done. We'll normally chat to a few directors about what kind of thing we are after, and ask them to write a treatment for us, and then we chat them through and pick our favourite, or start again. It's very cool to see what your song does inside someone's head - the images they come up with to accompany it.
"Rich, during the new show, you now play at the front on the stage on 'Your Eyes Open'. You cannot 'hide' behind your drums at that particulat moment. How does that make you feel? Naked? Stressed? Excited?"Cécile
Richard replies: It's nice to be able to come to the front and have a quick chat with the front row, which I used to do when I had my drums opposite the piano a long time ago. I'm normally more worried about what Tom's gonna say if he introduces me to everyone. I never know what he's gonna come up with!
Eight-track 'Live From London' EP available now
On December 12th, Keane played a special unplugged session for iTunes at the Apple store in Regent Street, London. Eight tracks from the show (Keane's last of 2006) are now available at iTunes stores across Europe. To buy them from the UK iTunes store click there:
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
We decide publish the letter of...
"A Bad Dream"
(write by Tim Rice-Oxley)
Why do I have to fly
Over every town up and down the line?
I'll die in the clouds above
And you that I defend,I do not love
I wake up,it's a bad dream
Noone on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind
Where will I meet my fate?
Baby I'm a man,I was born to hate
And when will I meet my end?
In a better time you could be my friend
I wake up,it's a bad dream
Noone on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind
Wouldn't mind it
If you were by my side
But you're long gone
Yeah you long gone now
Where do we go?
I don't even know
My strange old face
And I'm thinking about those days
And I'm thinking about those days
I wake up,it's a bad dream
Noone on my side
I was fighting
But I just feel too tired
To be fighting
Guess I'm not the fighting kind
Wouldn't mind it
If you were by my side
But you're long gone
Yeah you long gone now
Hello everyone!
Today we gonna post one wonderful thing!
When we're actualize the Keane's news of today at the site we saw an wonderful thing(we repeat it again but it so wonderful)
The new video of Keane...
The music "A Bad Dream" appears on MTV but we don't know the day... But please see the video! It's very misterious,wonderful and simple! And one little information in that video only appear one of the guys! But we don't tell who!
Go there,see and tell us something!
We hope you like enjoy!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
We love your comments! Well...
We gonna change at 1st of January the pool but we don't decide what will be the next questionnaire but maybe it will be one of your sugestions...
Thanks for all,MARINA!
You give us more force to continue this lovely project! And we're happy because someone at the other side of the world like our work and our project! Thanks!
It's all we can say!
We see you soon!

The capes of the new singles :

It could be an Cover of "She Sells Sanctuary" (The Cult,from 1985's "Love" album)
and an remix of Luna-C "A Bad Dream"
22 of January 2007
1 Try Again
2 Somewhere Only We Know - Live from Duisburg, Germay
3 The Frog Prince - Live from Duisburg, Germay
4 Try Again - Live from Duisburg, GermayCD2
1 Try Again
2 Everybody's Changing - Live from Duisburg, Germany
3 This Is The Last Time - Live from Duisburg, Germay
4 A Bad Dream - Live from Duisburg, Germay

1 Try Again
2 Nothing In My Way - Live from Duisburg, Germay
3 Is It Any Wonder? - Live from Duisburg, Germay
4 Bedshaped - Live from Duisburg, Germay
Thanks and we take the change to Thanks to MARINA her wonderful comments!
If you want add us...
Go to our personal blogs:
Ana Catarina blog:
Paty blog:
Thanks for all!
Saturday, December 16, 2006
First of all we want to thanks to Marina because she is the one how comment our blog and she give us all the force to continue to do this special and particular project!
And we want to know:
- How do you find us?
- Do you like the posts?
- How much time do you know and do you like Keane?
- You know everything!
And Now are the news!
Mr Hughes fields your questions for the band
Here are the latest bunch of answers to the questions you've been sending in via the form in the Ask Keane section of the ezine. This time, they've been answered by Richard. Look out for the second half of his answers in the next few days.
"Richard - Your photos are great. What kind of camera do you use?"Cindy
Richard replies: Thanks Cindy, I'm glad you like the pics! I have a small collection of Nikon FG cameras and I recently bought an F3 in japan. I'm a Nikon guy! I also have a "horizon" panoramic camera which I used at one of the Ally Pally shows - I'll be putting one of the shots up on the site soon. It's getting hard to find film in London because so many people are using digital cameras now, and good camera shops are closing. It does mean a good film camera is really cheap second-hand, so I would encourage people to have a go. (For more on the Nikon FG
"Richard. May I ask what led you to become a vegetarian? Was it perhaps the shepherd's pie? Here in South Carolina it was the pickled pigs feet that did me in!"Jennifer
Richard replies: I guess it was seeing footage from slaughterhouses on TV and feeling ill. I love that Simpsons episode about where meat comes from (Bovine University) - it says it all.
"Hello, I was wondering if at concerts, when people take pictures with flash, it is terribly bothersome, or is it not that bad? I always feel bad taking flash pictures because I'm afraid you guys hate it. please, do tell."Marsha D
Richard replies: I think it looks cool!
"Richard, as you were walking into the Metro in Chicago you were carrying a book with a red cover. If we could ask, what have you been reading?"Aundrea
Richard replies: Was I? I recently read a biography of the Italian cyclist Marco Pantani, which I think was red, and I'm in the middle of "Kafka on the Shore" by Haruki Murakami - it's the fourth Murakami I've read - the books are amazing. I've also been reading a lot about American politics, like "The Exception to the Rulers" by Amy and David Goodman (from the excellent news show Democracy Now - download the daily news podcast from ). I have their new book "Static" to read - it's both amazing and depressing what you don't hear in the mainstream media.
"Recently, on the 'Crystal Ball' video, I noticed some pictures of children and I've discussed with other fans if those children could be you. Are they?"Inês Colaço
Richard replies: I think they are the family of the guy (Giovanni Ribisi) who loses his mind (the kid in the car at the start, and his wife). When he returns to the office the same photo has changed so it has the new guy in it. I like the details!
"The last time you went to a 'fancy dress' party what/who did you go as?"June
Richard replies: I have honestly got no idea. I'm not sure I've ever been to one!
"r u planning 2 make another dvd? The first 1 is the best band dvd I have. I would love to see another one to accompany "Under The Iron Sea". If u r not planning one please consider it."Lori
Richard replies: Thanks - you should get "Some Kind of Monster" (the Metallica film). Right now we don't have plans to, but I'm sure we'll get round to it at some point.
"Hi! I think that the drums on the verses of 'Nothing In My Way' sound like they are a heartbeat. Was that your intention and who wrote/decided on the drum part as I think its a great idea and goes really well with the lyrics."Becca Hunt
Richard replies: Thanks - it does a bit, but they are basically me playing my version of the beat from "Lose Yourself" by Eminem. We recorded it in New York with an old drum kit I'd bought that day. Those who are still reading might be interested to know that Scott (my drum tech) and I rigged up a 20-inch kick drum as a floor tom for that song. Wake up everyone! Wake up! I've stopped talking about drums now...
"What did it feel like when your guitarist left you guys?"Liam
Richard replies: We were pretty shocked, but we knew we needed to develop as a band, and that music was what we wanted to do with our lives. I think a lot of people thought it was (or should be) the end of the band, but not us!
"Richard this question is for you. Do you know any fantastic veggie recipes? I have ran out of good ideas and now I eat mostly the same things all the time. Can you help?"Tina Nicoll
Richard replies: Get a huge Yorkshire pudding ( ), and fill it with veggie sausages, mashed potato and peas, then drown it all in onion gravy. The Yorkshire pud acts like a bowl. Meat eaters can try it with proper sausages.
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
We gonna post one video by Paty!
Is another tribute to Keane!
We hope you like!
When you going to see the video tell us your opinion! We're waiting!

We start very well with some assembly's done by two girls at the Tim's fans site.
The news are:
Keane to play Live In London show at Apple Store
The official statement goes a little something like this...
Keane will be performing a special acoustic set on Tuesday evening, 12th December 2006 as part of the exclusive iTunes Live from London series at the Apple Store on Regent Street.
The set will feature songs from Keane's Number One album Under The Iron Sea, which was one of the biggest releases on the iTunes Store this year. The set will also feature some surprises. The session is a unique opportunity to catch Keane live in a small and intimate environment in front a specially invited audience of 350 people prior to the kick off of their UK Arena tour in February 2007.
This exclusive event also celebrates the reopening of Apple's state-of-the-art theatre at the newly remodelled Apple Store on Regent Street which now provides an additional 10,000 square feet of shopping area and some stunning new features including a dedicated iPod bar.
For the first time ever the Live In London event will be filmed and screened in January in selected flagship Apple Stores in the US and Japan.
Exclusive songs from the event will be available to download from the iTunes Store from the week of 18th December 2006. An exclusive video of the event with additional content will be available on the iTunes Store in January.
iTunes' exclusive series, Live from London, documents special performances at the Apple Store on London's Regent Street. Since its inception in the April 2005, Live from London has amassed a small catalogue of recordings from top artists performing in a unique intimate venue. Live from London specials include Stereophonics, Athlete, Tom Vek, Sugababes, Richard Ashcroft and David Gray which are all available to download from the iTunes Store. Visit for more information.
Today, The Times newspaper has 50 pairs of these exclusive tickets to give away to readers. The winners will also receive a free audio and video recording of Keane's performance to download from the iTunes Store when it becomes available.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Is this a supost "Try Again"video?
We don't know but see the video! It's very BEAUTIFUL! We don't have words to drescrive what we feel when we saw the video!
We can't find words to descrive!
If you like that video, please comment and tell us what you feel when you see that video,ok?
Kisses and comment,please!
"Is it any wonder?" up for Grammy awards!
We are very pleased to announce that Keane have been nominated for an award at this year's Grammys. 'Is It Any Wonder?' is up for Best Pop Performance By A Duo Or Group With Vocal.The awards, which will take place in Los Angeles at the Staples Center on Sunday, Februry 11, 2007.
Keane really deserves this nomitation and still more they deserves win it! We think they really win that AWARD! It's very important for them and for the all fans spread in this big world!

Mr Rice-Oxley on working with Ms Stefani
On Monday, pop superstar Gwen Stefani released her brand new album, 'Sweet Escape'. On it, there's a track called ' Early Winter ', which was written by Keane's very own Tim Rice-Oxley. called Tim up to find out how it came about...
Hey Tim. So is this the very first time you've written a song for someone else apart from Keane?
Yes. So it's a pretty good way to start.
How did you get involved?
Well we met Gwen at the Grammys in February. Before that, we'd read lots of things where she was being very nice about our music. So that gave us the courage to go over and introduce ourselves and she was very lovely. A few weeks after that, we started talking about writing a song together. I spoke to her on the phone and she was just throwing some ideas out there. I asked if she knew what kind of thing she was after and she was talking about a few influences that she was using as reference points, things like Cyndi Lauper and a song by Billy Idol called 'Eyes Without A Face', which I hadn't heard at that point of time, but which I've since listened to. So then we met up in LA a couple of weeks after that, at the beginning of August.
And even at that stage, could it have come to nothing?
Definitely. I would guess that she must have written 30 or 40 songs for this album. She's worked with a lot of people and a lot of them are the biggest conceivable names in pop music, like Pharrell, Akon and Dr Dre.
You're in the company of some urban heroes!
Yeah, it's good. There's some very exciting things going on in that area of music. I don't feel that the same eagerness to experiment is quite so prevalent in what you'd call indie music. So it's nice to have worked with people who are so enthusiastic about trying new ideas and making fantastic pop music.
Did you and Gwen click in the studio quite quickly?
Very much so. I think it's one of those things where you've got nowhere to hide; it doesn't matter how famous you are, if you get in a room with someone and you have to try and write a song, you feel very naked and exposed in a way, because you just have to try and create something out of nothing. So it could've gone either way, but I'm happy to say it went amazingly well from the start.
She seems like a proper pop star - in the best sense.
Well, yeah. I think pop music is the most powerful art form there is because it reaches so many people. But it's so often done badly or it's about following trends and cashing in. But with Gwen and the people she's been working with, it's about genuinely creating the best pop music in the world. There's nothing half arsed about it. I love that attitude. That seems to be where it's at in very high quality American pop. I think Britain is languishing in a bit of a rut as far as really exciting pop music goes. America's leading the way at the moment. Pharrell is a classic example of someone who'll take influences from absolutely anywhere and do whatever it takes to make it a really world beating pop song. There's no snobbery or pre-conceptions. It's pretty exciting to be around that sort of thing.
So, have you been out and bought the album?
Yes, I've downloaded a copy from iTunes.
Did you get the whole thing or just your one song?
I just wanted my song.
No! I got the whole album. It's very good. I had heard pretty much all of it in the studio, but I'd never sat down and listened to the whole thing.
And did you feel a warm glow of pride as you realised your song was among the highlights?
I did. Very much so.
It would've been awful if you'd listened and thought everything sounded better than your song.
Ha! Exactly. But, no, I felt that 'Early Winter' holds its own among all the big stars, so I'm very happy.
What track number is your song?
Would you have felt a little insecure if it was 12 or 13?
Probably, yeah! It is nice that it's right up there in the forefront, cos it shows they're very confident in it.
Is there a chance of it being a single?
Er, I believe there's a chance, but I really don't know yet.
And do you actually play on the song?
Yeah, I played the piano on it and there's a kind of ghostly strings sound which runs through it, which was something I did on my original demo of the song, which is still on there.
So, is this a springboard for Tim Rice-Oxley? Are you going to quit Keane and become a songwriter for hire?
Er, no, I don't think so! I have been asked to do a lot of things on the heels of this and I may do one or two. But I don't want to lose focus and I really want to be concentrating on Keane. Going into a new year, we're all feeling very excited about making new music together. I definitely wouldn't want to distract from that too much.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hello everyone!
Today we gonna publish the new winners of our questionnaire...
The questionnaire finish at 1st January 2007
- With or without you (U2 Cover)-3 votes (9%)
- Can't Stop Now-2 votes (6%)
- Dirrtylicious-2 votes (6%)
- Leaving So Soon?-1 vote (3%)
- We Might As Well Be Strangers-1 vote (3%)
- Sunshine-1 vote (3%)
- She Has No Time- 0 votes (0%)
- Somewhere Only We Know- 5 votes (14%)
- Everybody's Changing- 1 vote (3%)
- Bend and Break-1 vote (3%)
- Is It Any Wonder?-3 votes (9 %)
- A Bad Dream- 1 vote (3%)
- Hamburg Song- 2 votes (6%)
- Try Again- 5 votes (14%)
- Nothing In My Way-2 votes (6%)
- Crystal Ball-1 vote(3%)
- Put It Behind You-0 votes (0%)
- Broken Toy- 0 votes (0%)
- The Frog Prince-3 votes (9%)
- Atlantic- 1 vote (3%)
Total: 35 votes
Thanks for the people who votes in our questionnaire! We really liked!
Do you have vote?
So going to vote in our questionnaire and tell us what's your favourite Keane's music! The questionnaire finish at 1st January 2007
and at the weekend we gonna publish the rest of the news!
Friday, December 01, 2006

EARLY WINTER (Gwen Stefani's music)*Composed and produced by TIM*
You, you know how to get me so low
My heart had a crash when you spoke
I can't fix what you broke
And you, you always said you had a reason
Again and again this feeling
Oh why do I give in ?
And I always was I always was one for crying
I always was one for tears
The sun's getting cold it's snowing
Looks like an early winter
For us
Looks like an early winter
For us
An early winter
Oh I need you to turn me over
Listen, the map of the world is on you
The moon gravitates around you
The seasons escape you
And I always was, I always was one for crying
I always was one for tears
No I never was, I never was one for lying
You lied to me all these years
The sun's getting cold it's snowing
Looks like an early winter
For us
Looks like an early winter
For us An early winter
Oh I need you to turn me over
Why, why do you act so stupid?
you know i'm always right
It looks like an early winter
For us
It hurts and I can't remember sunlight
An early winter for us
The leaves are changing colors (for us)
This is the music that our sweety Tim composed and produced with Gwen Stefani's in her new album!
If you want listen go to:
We will going post some photos of their, but first we have to ask for permition.
And we're going to do one video! And we promise you will be the first to know about the video!
Kisses and comment!

WE LOVE THIS PHOTO! beautiful! wondeful!